Monday, November 18, 2019

American Government Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

American Government - Coursework Example The problem becomes the Federal Law of racial profiling. It is illegal to racial profile. The illegal immigrants that Arizona are targeting come from south of the border. The illegal immigrants are Hispanic looking. In order for the police to do their jobs they would have to racial profile under the state law, or ignoring the state law. The Federal law should rule on this subject. Since the Civil War Federal law has overrode state law. If we do not have a unified code of law than each state might as well be a country by itself. Secondly, racial profiling is wrong. If Arizona profiles Hispanics, the south would be able to profile blacks. Finally Federal law should prevail because every state, including Arizona, had representation when the Civil Rights Movement and racial profiling laws were passed. Majority rules in the United States. Federal law should rule over state law due to history and representation. Since the Civil War, Federal law has superseded state law. Every state sends representation to Congress, thus laws created are made by all states. In order to have a whole country, states must work together. Federal law should take precedent over state law in this case. If states want to have singular law, succession is another

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